Parish Culture Survey

Parish Culture Survey:

In November 2022, PPCs from all over the Archdiocese gathered for the launch of Parish Alive!, a program launched by the Archdiocese to assist parishes in embarking on a journey of renewal to live out their missionary mandate.

The Archdiocese designed a parish culture survey so as assist the PPCs in devising strategies to bring about revival in the parishes.

The survey is completed via Google Forms and is parish specific; each parish has its own link to the survey.

The survey provides an assessment of how the parish is performing in terms of the seven portfolios of the PPC. It gives an impartial measurement and provides constructive feedback on areas where things are going well, where there is progress, and where there are opportunities for additional effort, innovation, and improvement. The responses are completely anonymous, and no personal identification information or IP addresses are collected. The running of the survey and gathering of the results is confidential and complies with the Protection of Personal Information Act.

Please assist our PPC by completing the survey by clicking on the following link and encourage other parishioners to complete it:

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