There’s a small group of our younger parishioners (First Communion to Life Teen) who form a small music group to sing usually every second Sunday at the 07h30 Mass.
The group is more than just people who sing at Mass! WE TRY TO EMPOWER THEM TO BECOME MUSICIANS FOR THE FUTURE!!!
They are talented young people who want to learn musical instruments and our practices (Thursdays 17h00-18h00) are a place where they can learn to read music well enough to be able to go on later to learn musical instruments.
There is room around 6 more children in the programme … so if anyone is interested, please think about a MUSIC WORKSHOP ON MONDAY 25TH MARCH FROM 14H00 TO 17H30 here in the Church Hall.
R20 each to cover refreshments and food.
Colleen Murphy – 082 882 8779
Fr Scott – 082 351 8265
Bernadette Goemans – 073 966 4019